Where do you start?
Отправлено 23/8/2017 11:32 (#15665)
Тема: Where do you start?


Посты: 29
I am currently a sophomore doing a "winternship" for 5/6 at an AM located in manhattan ($17+ bn AUM). I have noticed that people who work here are generally not "young" in the sense that no one is a recent undergrad graduate. Everyone is probably at the earliest late late 20s or early 30s at least. What I'm wondering is what type of work leads into AM? I find equity research really fascinating and I was wondering what kind of career paths are there for becoming an equity analyst at an AM firm. People always say bigger is better, for example bigger companies can afford to put you through a training program so I was just curious is that the case with AM? Just confused as to what to explore in regards to internships next 2 summers and potential first jobs after that.

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